
Personal data : Facebook wanted to redeem itself

Facebook and his creator Mark Zuckerberg are soon going to have to comply with the European standards. CP : Creative Commons

This Monday, Facebook invites all his European users to verify their options of protection of private life. The American firm of Mark Zuckerberg undergoes at present the pressure of a new European regulations which will come into effect next May in Europe.


Since this Monday, you maybe perceived an announcement on your homepage of the social network Facebook, indicating you verifying your options of protection of the private life. Indeed, Facebook threw an advertising campaign with his European Internet users. The purpose is to strengthen the protection of the users, but also to centralize all the regulations concerning the private life on a more easily accessible interface for users.

An initiative of the American giant who is not due at random. On May 25th, the General regulation on the data protection personal will come into effect on the European territory. A text of law which risks to push aside the established order until then on the circulation of personal data.The entities such as companies, administrations or associations will have to collect exclusively the necessary data. It will be from now on compulsory to make sure of the consent of the interested, which will keepguard a right to inspect their use.

Worried of restoring its image in 2018, the company of Mark Zuckerberg took advantage of it to reveal  « seven principles on the protection of the private life » until then kept secret by the American firm:

– You are in control of your private life
– You possess and can delete your information at any time
– Facebook helps people understand how their data are used
– The confidentiality of products is integrated from the design of a service
– Facebook works hard to protect your information
– Facebook tries ceaselessly to develop new means of control and to be able of explaining them to the users
– Facebook is a security officer of your data and their confidentiality


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